2013 Recap from NFLPickles - Short Story, Great Finish

What a great way to end the year! That puts me at 5-1 in Super Bowl Picks but a lowsy 3-6 in Conference Championship for the last 4 years. Terrible, so the 57% is driven mostly by Wildcard and Divisional games.

Except for this year! The 3-0 finish puts on at total season percentage of 55%, boy it could've ended ugly but it didn't. What's impressive and more important are the yearly totals, think long term, "it's sports investing" I tell my wife. 6 seasons, 1 went under 42%, 1 broke even 52%, and 4 went positive: 55%, 56% (2008), 60% last year, and 62% (2009).

Some claim I should have more this year and some say I should have less.  I hear the points from both sides. These have inspired my next year's resolutions:

Next year:
 - I have to be more aware of injuries, I could've saved 2 to 3 games. It's the low hanging fruit. 
 - I will go to Vegas for an NFL weekend, late in the season (when my record is much better)
 - Provide a comprehensive report to all my premium members: "Trends Against the Spread(ATS)"
 - Regular season picks will remain free.
 - I will give Twitter and Facebook ads a run for its money.

Thank you all for your great support,



Unknown said…
Great Plan!!! Especially the part about going to Vegas. I've wanted to go too, but I find it intimidating. Looking forward to hearing about how it all went, I know we're a year away from that happening. One question, how does one become a premium member? Thanks - Kourosh
Jaime said…
Kourosh, premium members simply means that you have access to the playoff picks. Next year you'll be able to sign up.
DMan said…
Cool results. Good luck in this season! I look at matchups here: <a href="http://www.getmoresports.com/>Get More Sports</a>